The steam-era industrial exhibit style is based on the design and style aesthetic from the late 1800s to early 1900s. The exhibit style informed the artistry throughout the exhibits and enhanced visitors’ understanding of the historic viaduct as an engineering marvel. The interpretive content builds their understanding and appreciation for the cultural and natural resources of the park and encourages them to go outside and experience it for themselves.
Client: Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Role: Interactive designer and developer as an employee of the 106 Group. All interactive exhibits created by Chris Evans, except excursion train video, fabrication, model train, and FlipBooks.
Primary goal: The need to transport coal, timber and oil resources through the Kinzua Creek Valley spurred the engineering challenge of building the Kinzua Bridge. Historically, people were attracted to the impressive bridge and the views it offered; today, scenic views from the skywalk continue to attract visitors.

See n’ Say
Inspired by the see n’ say child’s toy, visitors turn a dial to choose a critter, pull a crank, and hear the sounds of the critter.

Stylized Tree
Unique steam-punk tree with hidden birds make from found metal objects. Press a button and hear their songs.

Gramophone Welcome Audio
Visitors turn the crank and listen to the welcome audio for the exhibit

Digital Signage (above)
Network controlled digital signage system allowing park to showcase recent critter sightings, special school groups, and upcoming events. Also includes custom designed weather widget, showing the upcoming weather for the park for the week.

Oil on the Brain Audio
Visitors turn the crank and hear piano music from period specific sheet music, about the oil transported on the rail system.

Myths & Legends Mirrored Reveals (Above)
Mimicking an antique steamer trunk, visitors open drawers and trigger interactive moments:
- Bigfoot growls from behind a two-way mirror
- Oral histories appear behind a two-way mirror discussing the tornado that took down the Kinzua Bridge and an airplane pilot who flew under the bridge in the 1930s
- A flickering lantern blows out on a windy day

Outdoor Viewer and Bridge (Below)
Outdoor wayside exhibit and spyglasses

Flip Boxes
Historical images showing construction of bridge in late 1800s animated with flip boxes, controllable by visitors.